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 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-9 13:46  ·  北京 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2特殊道具Karma Rings
3特殊道具Lotus Flower's Petal

Tag Ring's Value

This depends on the amount of Makka you have on that DDS: AT saved data.

0~9,999 Makka      = 10,000 Dollar
10,000~999,999 Makka = 12,000 Dollar
1,000,000 Makka~    = 20,000 Dollar

For example, If you have 1,000,000 Makka on that DDS: AT saved data you loaded
in, your Tag Ring can sell for 20,000 Dollar in DDS: AT2.

Unique Karma Rings

This depends on if you have defeated the specific enemies on that DDS: AT saved
data or not. The specific enemies in DDS: AT you can beat are the followings:

~King Frost
~Beelzebub (Fly Form)

You don't get the Karma Rings right away, you still have to beat these fixed
battles through out the game to obtain Hiho Ring, Divine Ring, Skull Ring,
Dragon Ring and Amara Ring (respectively to the order above). These battles
will be covered in the walkthrough.

Unique Item

This depends on whether you've heard George Black's request or not on that
DDS: AT saved data. As for George Black himself, here is the steps to meet him
in DDS: AT.

The time window is after defeating Ravana, which means all leaders died and
Embryon is the remaining tribe. As you enter Sahasrara, head to the second
area(before entering the temple), here you would see your allies usually:
Argilla, Heat, Cielo and Gale. Heat and Argilla stand on the right, Cielo and
Gale stand on the left. To the left, there is also a former Solid Member, he
is known as George Black. Hear his request and accept it with the first option.
He would disappear. And that's all you need to do. The rest is in DDS: AT2 and
will be covered in the walkthrough. BTW, you can't miss George Black in
DDS: AT since he is always there at that time window. If he's not there, that
means you already did this or it's not the time yet. Take your time, you could
get to the last part of the game of DDS: AT and still able to come back to do
this mini side quest. You can not miss it, so do not worry.

This isn't much of a worthy side quest in DDS: AT2. You would get the "Lotus
Flower's Petal" and in the end, you will get a Soma. That's it.

Parameter Bonus Points

This depends on what Mantra each of your character has mastered in that
DDS: AT saved data.

'God of Destruction' Mantra mastered = Power+2, Speed+1
'Demon King' Mantra mastered      = Magic+2, Luck+1
'Demon God' Mantra mastered       = Vitality+2, Speed+1, Luck+1
'Divine Spirit' Mantra mastered    = All parameter+1
'One And Only God' Mantra mastered  = All parameter+1
Every Mantra mastered           = All parameter+1

For example, if your charaters mastered all Mantra in DDS: AT, then the
characters in DDS: AT2 should get a total of 5 bonus points in each area to
start off. That is 5*5=25 bonus points for each. To elaborate a bit more on
this, here is more examples with the early members in the game:

(Initial Parameter With The Bonus Points)
~Name   ~Power ~Vitality ~Magic ~Speed ~Luck
~Serph  ~9    ~8      ~9    ~9    ~8
~Argilla ~8    ~8      ~10   ~8    ~9
~Gale   ~10   ~9      ~8    ~8    ~8
(Initial Parameter Without The Bonus Points)
~Name   ~Power ~Vitality ~Magic ~Speed ~Luck
~Serph  ~4    ~3      ~4    ~4    ~3
~Argilla ~3    ~3      ~5    ~3    ~4
~Gale   ~5    ~4      ~3    ~3    ~3

Diffi***y Selection

Just merely loading a DDS: AT clear data would get you the Hard Mode in the
game of DDS: AT2. Normally, you would need to beat DDS: AT2 Normal Mode once
to unlock Hard Mode.

What about Hard Mode? (Comparing with Normal Mode)
~There is one optional/strongest boss(Satan) you can fight only in Hard Mode
~It is harder to escape a battle. The ratio is 3/10 of Normal Mode's
~Enemies hit you harder/1.5 times more damage to you from them
~Enemies' critical rate is 1.5 times higher
~You get 2 times more damage to the enemies when you attack their weaknesses

Gale's Unique Skill 'Pyriphlegeton'

This depends on that DDS: AT saved data you loaded in is a game clear data or
not. If you wish to get this unique skill for Gale, beat DDS: AT and load that
data into DDS: AT2. You would get 'Pyriphlegeton' by the final dungeon of the
game of DDS: AT2.

Argilla's Unique Skill 'Seraphic Lore' + Getting Heat To Join

This depends on the choices you made in the game of DDS: AT in that DDS: AT
data you loaded in. A reminder, if that DDS: AT data contains multiple
playthroughs of the game of DDS: AT, it would be depends your most recent/
last playthrough, so only those choices you made in that last playhthrough
matter. If you ever messed the choices up, you will need to make the right
choices in your next playthrough. Let's review the occasions in DDS: AT
that promt you with choices:

1/ Initial Karma Church meeting
2/ Embryon Base after returning from Karma Church
3/ Embryon Base after returning from Karma Church #2
4/ Point 136, top level
5/ Point 136, top level #2
6/ Point 136, after fighting Mick
7/ Ruins of the Great Ship, after fighting Bat
8/ Brutish Camp, after fighting Varon Omega

If you want Argilla's Unique Skill 'Seraphic Lore', you will need to pick
the _first_ choice of occasion 3. You will also obtain this skill by the
final dungeon of DDS: AT2.

If you want Heat to join the party in the final dungeon of the game of
DDS: AT2, you'll need to pick the _first_ choices of occasions 4&8. However,
this is not all you need to do. There are two more choices you need to pick in
DDS: AT2, I will cover those in the walkthrough.

Except for occasion 3, 4 and 8, all the choices you make don't matter in this
area. You can pick whatever you want.

Keep this in mind: If you make the correct choices in DDS: AT and DDS: AT2,
then get Heat by the final dungeon of DDS: AT2, you would not be able to play
as Roald. Roald is a playable character in DDS: AT2 til certain point, as for
Heat, he is normally playable for one fight. Whether whom should join you will
depends on the choices as said. If you want Heat, make correct choices in
DDS: AT and DDS: AT2; If you want Roald, do the opposite. Since the choices to
get Heat include choices from both games, that means if you got the correct
choices in DDS: AT to get Heat, you can still mess up the other two choices in
DDS: AT2 so you can get Roald..
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