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Final Fantasy XIII-2 Save editor Version : By Jappi88
About the app :
This is a Final Fantasy XIII-2 save editor , witch is able to modify the
gil, sarah & Noel, hp/CP/Magic/strengt/ATB.
this app is full automatic, witch only needs a full save to work with.
it is possible to select you save from a Fatx device (USB/HDD), or ftp.
by hitting load the app automaticly decrypt your save , and enabled you to fully modify it.
after pressing "Save" the save will be Modded/encrypted/rehashed/resigned.
APP Features :
* Auto Backup Function.
* Change Save Id's-------: enables you to change the Id's from loaded save.
* Decrypt APP.DAT-------: enables you to decrypt a extracted save (for modyfing save manually)
* Encrypt APP.DAT-------: enables you to Encrypt the decrypted data.
* Load Save From FTP----: enables you to Load save from ftp , either ingame(Ftpdll.xex plugin needed), or freestyledash/xexmenu)
* Load Save From Device-: enables you to load from fatx device (Usb/Hdd)
How to Use App
1. open save from local,ftp or usb device
2. make desired changes
3. Hit save.
4. enjoy :)
http://www.360haven.com/forums/s ... -XIII-2-Save-editor
另外賣一下廣告, 多多指教:
小弟有PS3正版的FF13/FF13-2, 有玩過, 但因為PS3不能改存檔, 小弟也沒有很多時間煉功
所以不久入手XBOX360自制版, 也為了玩D
之前也因為X360可以改存檔而在X360上玩FF13... 其實那感覺是很爽的 不用煉功都能KO BOSS
求好心人給我們這些孩童X360版的DLC好讓我們可以在X360上完夢. 感謝