
标题: 转自IGN,希望更多人认清SONY的嘴脸。 [打印本页]

作者: masterleon    时间: 2006-5-15 01:16
标题: 转自IGN,希望更多人认清SONY的嘴脸。

E3 2006: PS3 Resolution Report
Mind your P's and I's with this HD report.
by Nix
May 10, 2006 - Sony Computer Entertainment is all about HD with PS3 -- it's HD or die. Not a single one of its games on the E3 show floor was running in standard definition(E3展厅内,没有一个PS3的游戏的游戏是在SONY所谓的标准下运行的) (not too much a feather in their cap -- if there's an Xbox 360 game on the floor without HD, we've got a standing offer for them for a $5 dollar bill and a slap in the face for wasting our time.) However, last year, SCE essentially came out and said that HD was all about 1080p, and that any system without such a res was essentially not quite next-gen. (去年,SCE出来说只有1080P才是HD高清,没有这样分辨率的系统就不算是次世代)
So, where are we with HD a year later? Well, we're in the 1080p era now, but we're not seeing that as a full-on standard by any means. Most of the games on the show floor (both at Sony's booth and at other booths displaying PS3 games) were running at 720p in the current build, although higher resolutions are being targeted for the final game. (那么,一年以后我们的HD到哪里去了?是,我们进入了1080P的时代,但是不管怎么看这都不是一个行业标准,绝大部分展厅的游戏,包括SCE本身的和其他厂商的都是运行在720P的环境下)Here's a rundown of what we have been able to confirm regarding resolutions for PS3 titles:
Gran Turismo HD -- Full 1080p
WarDevil -- 1080p
Madden 07 -- 1080i
Mobile Suit Gundam -- 1080i on show floor
Resistance: Fall of Man -- 720p, aiming for 1080 in either form (an Insomniac designer says that the game can run at 1080 in the current build, but the team is weighing the trade-off in system power consumption at that res ... basically, they can do it, and now it's all up to what's best for the game.)
MotorStorm -- 720p on show floor, will stay at 720p but will get to (and hopefully be locked at) 60fps
Warhawk -- 720p on show floor
Heavenly Sword -- 720p on show floor
Eye of Judgment -- 720p
My SingStar -- *TBA
Genji 2 -- 720p
F1 '06 -- 720p, planning for full 60FPS but not necessarily any resolution bump-up
Virtua Tennis 3 -- 720p, planning for 1080i
Sonic the Hedgehog -- 720p
Untold Legends -- 720p
Heavy Rain -- *TBA (expected to be 1080p or 1080i, due to placement at booth -- the game was placed on monitor with a "1080" plaque, but this refers to the Sony monitor, and several PS3 games not at 1080i or 1080p were on these screens, possibly with TV-generated upscaling)
Indiana Jones -- *TBA
Full Auto 2: Battlelines -- 720p at show, the team is weighing options past that but with the defining factor being a 60FPS framerate above all else
Fatal Inertia -- *TBA
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance -- *TBA
Assassin's Creed -- *TBA
Tiger Woods 07 -- *TBA (demo is only tech concept, running on PS3 but not really a PS3 "game" demo)
Tiger Woods 07 -- *TBA (demo is only tech concept, running on PS3 but not really a PS3 "game" demo)
NBA Live 07 -- *TBA (demo is only tech concept, running on PS3 but not really a PS3 "game" demo)
The Club -- Only playable on Xbox 360 at E3
Tony Hawk's Project 8 -- Only playable on Xbox 360 at E3 Haze -- Only playable on Xbox 360 at E3 Rainbow Six: Vegas -- Only playable on Xbox 360 at E3 Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway -- Only playable on Xbox 360 and PC at E3

(Tiger Woods 07,NBA Live 07只是概念性的展示,不是游戏演示)
(The Club,Tony Hawk's Project 8,Haze,Rainbow Six: Vegas,Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway只能在XBOX360上试玩)

作者: mikezhoubbs    时间: 2006-5-15 01:17

作者: sorrowrain2    时间: 2006-5-15 01:18
作者: bobo1086    时间: 2006-5-15 01:31
...我还是先考虑下什么时候有钱能把我的29寸老彩电换了再来考虑这游戏是720P还是1080P的吧.=- =
作者: masterleon    时间: 2006-5-15 01:36
下面是引用bobo1086于2006-05-15 01:31发表的:
...我还是先考虑下什么时候有钱能把我的29寸老彩电换了再来考虑这游戏是720P还是1080P的吧.=- =

作者: 冰冻豆腐    时间: 2006-5-15 01:36
作者: masterleon    时间: 2006-5-15 01:40
下面是引用冰冻豆腐于2006-05-15 01:36发表的:

作者: ac135    时间: 2006-5-15 01:43
作者: ruolin    时间: 2006-5-15 01:46
作者: bobo1086    时间: 2006-5-15 01:46
下面是引用masterleon于2006-05-15 01:36发表的:

游戏能不能达到1080P漠不关心,反正无论如何咱都得买支持1080P的电视。 电视肩负的使命比个PS3多多了.
作者: masterleon    时间: 2006-5-15 01:49
下面是引用bobo1086于2006-05-15 01:46发表的:

游戏能不能达到1080P漠不关心,反正无论如何咱都得买支持1080P的电视。 电视肩负的使命比个PS3多多了.

作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 04:36
wow! but do you know IGN is under microsoft? it is a microsoft company!
they said ps3 only has 1/3 x-box 360 power. nice x-box fan boy cry more here
作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 04:37
masterleon : now just beginning, you know nothing in the future, so stfu.
have you ever play ps3 already?
作者: 前田庆次郎    时间: 2006-5-15 04:40
下面是引用sony_psp于2006-05-15 04:36发表的:
wow! but do you know IGN is under microsoft? it is a microsoft company!
they said ps3 only has 1/3 x-box 360 power. nice x-box fan boy cry more here
作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 04:43
i agree both companies doing shit with each other. but ign is crap in usa. most people read gamespot. because ign posted a lot of fake news before.
作者: 前田庆次郎    时间: 2006-5-15 04:46
下面是引用sony_psp于2006-05-15 04:43发表的:
i agree both companies doing shit with each other. but ign is crap in usa. most people read gamespot. because ign posted a lot of fake news before.
作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 04:47
i am so sorry, seriously i dont know how to type chinese. but i can read.
作者: 前田庆次郎    时间: 2006-5-15 04:50
作者: 贪婪水鬼    时间: 2006-5-15 04:51

作者: 前田庆次郎    时间: 2006-5-15 04:53
下面是引用贪婪水鬼于2006-05-15 04:51发表的:

作者: 贪婪水鬼    时间: 2006-5-15 04:56
下面是引用前田庆次郎于2006-05-15 04:53发表的:

作者: 贪婪水鬼    时间: 2006-5-15 04:58
作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 04:59
opps i just checked, but my school computer does not support chinese. what should i do?
作者: 前田庆次郎    时间: 2006-5-15 04:59
下面是引用贪婪水鬼于2006-05-15 04:56发表的:

算了,还是别搞语言学,我自己还需要继续提升英文水平呢,我也是个懒人 I have work hard.
作者: 前田庆次郎    时间: 2006-5-15 05:00
下面是引用sony_psp于2006-05-15 04:59发表的:
opps i just checked, but my school computer does not support chinese. what should i do?
作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 05:01
i cant install anything here, this computer only allowed to open IE 6.0 that`s it :(
作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 05:03
hmm thank! anyway, time to class :D cya!
作者: 前田庆次郎    时间: 2006-5-15 05:03
作者: 贪婪水鬼    时间: 2006-5-15 05:04
作者: 前田庆次郎    时间: 2006-5-15 05:06
下面是引用贪婪水鬼于2006-05-15 05:04发表的:
作者: 贪婪水鬼    时间: 2006-5-15 05:07
作者: akari0283    时间: 2006-5-15 05:16
下面是引用sony_psp于2006-05-15 04:59发表的:
opps i just checked, but my school computer does not support chinese. what should i do?

go to hell man~~~i dont think ur school computer doesnt support chinese~still using windows 98? lol
just add chinese on the bottom of windows bar, and select Quanpin~~thats it.
作者: vitcroc    时间: 2006-5-15 06:50
作者: mark603    时间: 2006-5-15 07:39
作者: snake__eater    时间: 2006-5-15 08:25
无奸不商  可是SONY这几年是有过之无不及  越来越谎话连篇  再这样下去的话很难保证SONY不倒家电事业部的覆辙  不过这次不是输给松下和飞力普而是输给微软  如果说以前输给松下和飞力普是输给自家兄弟那么这次SONY的脸就丢***了~~~~~`
作者: scast    时间: 2006-5-15 08:49
作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 09:01
go to hell man~~~i dont think ur school computer doesnt support chinese~still using windows 98? lol
just add chinese on the bottom of windows bar, and select Quanpin~~thats it.

lmao. they just ***ing locked for install any shit in the pc, only ie availabe for students in library. if you dont know about that shit in strony brook just stfu, also you are 100% misunderstand my questions kid.
作者: iruine    时间: 2006-5-15 09:09


作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 09:10
also i am 50% chinese 50% white american, and what`s wrong for people dont know how to type chinese here? (not allow to speak out?) and i am still learning chinese in school.
作者: 贪婪水鬼    时间: 2006-5-15 09:27
下面是引用sony_psp于2006-05-15 09:10发表的:
also i am 50% chinese 50% white american, and what`s wrong for people dont know how to type chinese here? (not allow to speak out?) and i am still learning chinese in school.
wow dude...if chinese isn't ur native languege, and u still can understand what we saying here,thats what we call "a miracle" lol.......the chinese u learnd at afterschool study is just NOT same as chinese we are using here..........
some slang we use is just too hard for a white guy........
作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 09:33
wow dude...if chinese isn't ur native languege, and u still can understand what we saying here,thats what we call "a miracle" lol.......the chinese u learnd at afterschool study is just NOT same as chinese we are using here..........
some slang we use is just too hard for a white guy........

dont make my laugh man if you dont know anything about this(pood kid), a lot of high schools in new york are using english and chinese in class. and you muct pick 2 languages #1 is english (must) #2 you can choose spanish or chinese. i chose the chinese one because my mom is chinese. i learned chinese more than 6 years.
作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 09:35
do you know a lot of teachers speak chinese in school too?( in chinatown or queens)
作者: 重考生    时间: 2006-5-15 09:38
下面是引用ruolin于2006-05-15 01:46发表的:

作者: akari0283    时间: 2006-5-15 09:41
下面是引用重考生于2006-05-15 09:38发表的:


作者: yogen    时间: 2006-5-15 09:45
作者: 贪婪水鬼    时间: 2006-5-15 09:45
a lot teachers?u got be kidding me.........in chinatown of course, but what about the rest of america?i sure hears news said more students start learn chinese but still too few of people do that...........i dont know about NYC, but in my city, people dont give a shit to chinese study......
if u really study chinese that hard, well good for u, theres no meaning of personal attack.....
we talk about games ang stuff, theres no such a difference between a nigar, a redneck or else.......
作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 09:50
lmao i am talking about new york city. did i say all states? or other stats? one of my teacher is 100% white, he can speak 100% shit chinese, because he went to china more than 20 years and came back to teach students. just open ur eyes man nothing is impossible.
作者: akari0283    时间: 2006-5-15 09:58
下面是引用sony_psp于2006-05-15 09:50发表的:
lmao i am talking about new york city. did i say all states? or other stats? one of my teacher is 100% white, he can speak 100% shit chinese, because he went to china more than 20 years and came back to teach students. just open ur eyes man nothing is impossible.

那我教你中文吧,你咪扳嘢啦,china town里的人多数是用Big 5的,A9是简体字.
作者: 贪婪水鬼    时间: 2006-5-15 09:58
20 years.........thats waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long..........and 1 of 10000 people can do that maybe......i love chinese but im just saying this: chinese is not that popular in america.......
my mom's Bible teacher is white, she speaks chinese too........

r u half mandarin or half cantonese?
作者: luoxu8888    时间: 2006-5-15 10:00
作者: 贪婪水鬼    时间: 2006-5-15 10:01
下面是引用akari0283于2006-05-15 09:58发表的:

那我教你中文吧,你咪扳嘢啦,china town里的人多数是用Big 5的,A9是简体字.

p.s 如果他学的是国语,你这话无疑是天书.............
作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 10:03
mandarin, i dont know how to speak cantonese, it is hard for me. i can speak alittle bit.
also 那我教你中文吧,你咪扳嘢啦,china town里的人多数是用Big 5的,A9是简体字.:  i am god damn school now not in chinatown why you always misundertand me lol. funny
can u install shit in you school computers if they locked the system?
they blocked sex site too.
作者: 前田庆次郎    时间: 2006-5-15 10:04
下面是引用akari0283于2006-05-15 09:58发表的:

那我教你中文吧,你咪扳嘢啦,china town里的人多数是用Big 5的,A9是简体字.
点解跑题到去china town同大5码啊,老细
作者: akari0283    时间: 2006-5-15 10:04
下面是引用贪婪水鬼于2006-05-15 10:01发表的:


p.s 如果他学的是国语,你这话无疑是天书.............
不会看不懂~~因为china town里的人多数是讲广东话的,我都是住NY咖~~~
作者: 贪婪水鬼    时间: 2006-5-15 10:05
作者: paulexe    时间: 2006-5-15 10:06
作者: 前田庆次郎    时间: 2006-5-15 10:06
我不跑题了 退散.........
作者: akari0283    时间: 2006-5-15 10:07
下面是引用sony_psp于2006-05-15 10:03发表的:
mandarin, i dont know how to speak cantonese, it is hard for me. i can speak alittle bit.
also 那我教你中文吧,你咪扳嘢啦,china town里的人多数是用Big 5的,A9是简体字.:  i am god damn school now not in chinatown why you always misundertand me lol. funny
can u install shit in you school computers if they locked the system?
they blocked sex site too.

好想问问你NY今天是星期几?学校开门么? lolz~~~水不是这样吹的.
作者: 贪婪水鬼    时间: 2006-5-15 10:08
下面是引用sony_psp于2006-05-15 10:03发表的:
mandarin, i dont know how to speak cantonese, it is hard for me. i can speak alittle bit.
also 那我教你中文吧,你咪扳嘢啦,china town里的人多数是用Big 5的,A9是简体字.:  i am god damn school now not in chinatown why you always misundertand me lol. funny
can u install shit in you school computers if they locked the system?
they blocked sex site too.
Schools do that, wherever u are............
作者: akari0283    时间: 2006-5-15 10:08
下面是引用贪婪水鬼于2006-05-15 10:05发表的:
下面是引用前田庆次郎于2006-05-15 10:04发表的:

点解跑题到去china town同大5码啊,老细
作者: 前田庆次郎    时间: 2006-5-15 10:10
下面是引用akari0283于2006-05-15 10:07发表的:

好想问问你NY今天是星期几?学校开门么? lolz~~~水不是这样吹的.
作者: 贪婪水鬼    时间: 2006-5-15 10:10
下面是引用akari0283于2006-05-15 10:07发表的:

好想问问你NY今天是星期几?学校开门么? lolz~~~水不是这样吹的.
作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 10:11
好想问问你NY今天是星期几?学校开门么? lolz~~~水不是这样吹的. 再加上,别以为学校的电脑安装不到中文打字用的东东,除非他不是用winxp.

if you are live in new york you should know about stony brook. it is in long island. yea today is mother day. but we are living in campus man there has a lot of free computers for students.
well come to my school and take a look you will shut up.

You can see computers and wireless everywhere.
作者: akari0283    时间: 2006-5-15 10:12
下面是引用前田庆次郎于2006-05-15 10:10发表的:

作者: 贪婪水鬼    时间: 2006-5-15 10:16
u should bring a laptop then it'll be much more simpler
作者: 前田庆次郎    时间: 2006-5-15 10:17
下面是引用akari0283于2006-05-15 10:12发表的:

不爬楼了,大家还是别跑题太远了,毕竟不是水区,有节制的跑1 2帖就好了
作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 10:17
你看看27楼~~~ lolz
this was a group work.... it was a project  (homework) for tomorrow =-=  
作者: akari0283    时间: 2006-5-15 10:18
下面是引用sony_psp于2006-05-15 10:11发表的:
if you are live in new york you should know about stony brook. it is in long island. yea today is mother day. but we are living in campus man there has a lot of free computers for students.
well come to my school and take a look you will shut up.



作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 10:19
akari0283: i bet you is a big lier, you dont know anything about new york included my school. it is one of the famous schools in new york. [s:108]
作者: akari0283    时间: 2006-5-15 10:19
下面是引用前田庆次郎于2006-05-15 10:17发表的:

不爬楼了,大家还是别跑题太远了,毕竟不是水区,有节制的跑1 2帖就好了
作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 10:21


lmao i am gonna laugh at this point!
do you know stony brook has 30-40% chinese?
go to my school site and search it.
作者: 贪婪水鬼    时间: 2006-5-15 10:21

作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 10:23

i can do it. how to post photo?
作者: 贪婪水鬼    时间: 2006-5-15 10:23
下面是引用sony_psp于2006-05-15 10:19发表的:
akari0283: i bet you is a big lier, you dont know anything about new york included my school. it is one of the famous schools in new york. [s:108]
privite school?thats cool...i never been in a privite school before.....
作者: liverpoolghz    时间: 2006-5-15 10:24
作者: akari0283    时间: 2006-5-15 10:27
下面是引用sony_psp于2006-05-15 10:19发表的:
akari0283: i bet you is a big lier, you dont know anything about new york included my school. it is one of the famous schools in new york. [s:108]

作者: 贪婪水鬼    时间: 2006-5-15 10:30
下面是引用sony_psp于2006-05-15 10:23发表的:

i can do it. how to post photo?
like this:
type[img],thentype the direct link to the photo,and then type  [ / i m g ](no space)
作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 10:35
wait i am uploading
作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 10:39

here! but dont laugh. i look more chinese :D
作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 10:40

wow finally works
作者: 贪婪水鬼    时间: 2006-5-15 10:43
u dont look MORE chinese,u look MOST chinese..........
if u dont say, i can't tell...........
作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 10:45
my father is like spanish and white mix. and my mom is 100% chinese
作者: 贪婪水鬼    时间: 2006-5-15 10:48
下面是引用sony_psp于2006-05-15 10:45发表的:
my father is like spanish and white mix. and my mom is 100% chinese
wow,Spanish=Hot genes
      Chinese=Smart genes
thats lucky, man.....
作者: 赵六狼2代    时间: 2006-5-15 10:53
作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 10:58
what is 里家也 ?
作者: 贪婪水鬼    时间: 2006-5-15 11:00
下面是引用sony_psp于2006-05-15 10:58发表的:
what is 里家也 ?
作者: sony_psp    时间: 2006-5-15 11:03
作者: 赵六狼2代    时间: 2006-5-15 11:06
作者: 贪婪水鬼    时间: 2006-5-15 11:08
下面是引用赵六狼2代于2006-05-15 11:06发表的:
作者: akari0283    时间: 2006-5-15 11:14
里家也 = 呢家嘢 = 这东东
作者: 赵六狼2代    时间: 2006-5-15 11:19
下面是引用akari0283于2006-05-15 11:14发表的:
里家也 = 呢家嘢 = 这东东

作者: dod.    时间: 2006-5-15 11:21
下面是引用贪婪水鬼于2006-05-15 04:51发表的:


bonjour................    看过一些教材,简直就是恐怖呀......
作者: 贪婪水鬼    时间: 2006-5-15 11:24
下面是引用dod.于2006-05-15 11:21发表的:

bonjour................    看过一些教材,简直就是恐怖呀......
tu parles a couple de mots en fran鏰is?
作者: akari0283    时间: 2006-5-15 11:27
下面是引用赵六狼2代于2006-05-15 11:19发表的:


作者: dod.    时间: 2006-5-15 11:28
下面是引用贪婪水鬼于2006-05-15 11:24发表的:

tu parles a couple de mots en fran鏰is?

作者: quki1945    时间: 2006-5-15 11:31
作者: 贪婪水鬼    时间: 2006-5-15 11:33
作者: akari0283    时间: 2006-5-15 11:38
下面是引用贪婪水鬼于2006-05-15 11:33发表的:
作者: guandapeng    时间: 2006-5-15 11:39
作者: 前田庆次郎    时间: 2006-5-15 11:40
下面是引用贪婪水鬼于2006-05-15 11:33发表的:
粤语也包含甚广,例如台山话 佛山话 开平话 潮州话 东莞话等等都是广东话,也就是粤语,不过以广州和香港的常用白话为主

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