inFAMOUS 2 will be launching in North America exclusively on the PlayStation 3 on June 7th, 2011!
并同时宣布英雄版(HERO Edition), 定价99.99刀.
The HERO Edition delivers everything an inFamous fan could want including a highly detailed 8.5” Cole MacGrath statue, a sportable sling pack modeled after Cole’s own in-game gear, the inFAMOUS #1 mini comic from DC Comics, the official inFAMOUS 2 HERO Edition Soundtrack and a super voucher code for a collection of in-game content.
英雄版内包括8.5'' Cole雕像, 模仿游戏内Cole背包制成的运动背包, DC Comics发行的inFamous迷你漫画集第一集, 原声带以及所有以下预售普通版附加游戏内物件.