饭店 发表于 2017-11-14 08:49


Bethesda’s most recent spook-fest, The Evil Within 2, is discounted in the UK and US this week.

If you hesitated on pulling the trigger on a copy of the latest entry into Shinji Mikami’s psychological horror series, The Evil Within, it turns out you may have guaranteed yourself a bargain.

As has been the fate of many Bethesda titles released this year so far, The Evil Within 2 is seeing some serious discounts just a week ahead of Black Friday 2017. If you’d like to keep up to date with all the latest PS4 Black Friday deals, Xbox Black Friday deals, Nintendo Black Friday deals, and more, we’ve got guide pages created for just that.
In the UK, you can pick up a copy of The Evil Within 2 on both PS4 and Xbox One for only £27.85, by going through SimplyGames.
Meanwhile, in the US, you can head to Amazon and grab a copy on all three formats for $40 a piece.
根据外媒消息,恶灵附身2上市仅一月后,便在美国出现了-40%off的折扣,“As has been the fate of many Bethesda titles released this year so far, The Evil Within 2 is seeing some serious discounts just a week ahead of Black Friday 2017”。是2017年B社所有游戏中,折扣最严重的一款,通常只有库中大量存货堆积如山卖不出的时候,才会在短短一个月时间内出现如此巨大的跌幅。而该作在英国的表现更令人大跌眼镜,在上市的第五周,其周销量甚至被上市近一年的《生化危机7》反超,实在是过于惨淡,现在在英国SimplyGames.上仅售 £27.85,想入手的玩家要赶紧了

aimerinter 发表于 2017-11-14 09:14


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查看完整版本: 恶灵附身2销量惨淡,欧美大崩值